Edit: I was under the impression that no dig meant no tilling each year. Doesn't building beds on top of cardboard leech glues and inks and chemicals into your vegetables?
A question on no dig gardens and my response-
No dig gardens doesn't have to be about cardboard it's really about composting the top of the soil so you no longer have the erosion from wind and loss of top soil.
And you keep on adding to the top the soil with organic matter that breaks down and supplies the nutrients---all organic components help and matter greatly---sand, soil, mulch, leaves, twigs, fruit and veggie scraps, wood like cardboard, Peet, grass clippings, egg shells, coffee grinds all matter to the composter---AND WORMS !!!!!!!!! a must to make tunnels supply place for roots and oxygen along with adding nutrients and beneficial insects and bacteria to the soil---all of this matters ---