April's meeting of the Nellie Gail Garden group was really great because everyone got to share their plants and cuttings and talk about them as well.
Gail Ellers stop over to fill up the table with her succulents the night before giving us a head start on what to anticipate and boy was everyone pleased as we were eyeing some plants that we did not own.
Tina Fay brought Mulberry cuttings; some very interesting culterviers. Everyone else bought in so many succulents that we all can grow just by putting into the ground. They grow so easily here. We learned an easy way to grow lavender just using a clear glass jar, water and full sun. They will root in a few months and then you can plant. Rosemary and Mulberry trees also grow this way.
Every plant has its own unique way to grow, some can go directly into the soil like ice plants and others do need to be rooted.
We had Blenheim apricot seeds that can actually grow a tree that is like its mother; it does grow true to seed. You can do this with peaches, nectarines and apricots but not with apples they need to be grafted.
We discussed our clay soil here in Nellie Gail and how to amend it with worm castings not just for the soil but for the beneficial bacteria and fungal capabilities in the castings.
One of the most amazing things is how many wonderful cooks we have here in NG. Van Hoeng baked homemade bread and spring rolls with her own sauce. They were so good. She also uses her own vegetables that she grows to make her very own recipes.
Everyone discussed how grateful we are to live here in Nellie Gail and how we can all learn to help each other grow plants and fruit to make our neighborhood a wonderful place to live.